Carving & Installation of the new Long Preston Village Sign.


Long Preston has a new village sign. Travellers on the A65 going up Kayley Hill

will see the engraved sandstone monolith on the left as the ground rises.

The Long Preston Heritage Group instigated and managed the creation of the new sign, originally planned to be a pebble mosaic, but changed for practical reasons. As well as the village name, the sign includes a symbol for the village, the curlew, chosen by a vote amongst the villagers, and local groups including the Girl Guides,
Women’s Institute, and the School.

Phil Johnstone, who did the elegant carving and stylised flying curlew,

kindly offered his skills for free.

The following slide show records the carving, which was executed over a period
of three weeks during July 2014; two days were spent in the carving
and a third day on the infill painting.
Also shown is the installation of the sign during the morning of 13th November 2014.

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Photos: Louise Vardey and John Sellers.