Minutes of the Annual General Meeting
held on Monday 20 October 2008

in the Long Preston Village Hall


The Rev. Rachel Wilson welcomed 24 residents to the meeting. She explained that a recent discussion had taken place with the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) regarding the relationship of the proposed Long Preston Heritage Group (LPHG) to the Parochial Church Council (PCC) over the delivery of the HLF funded heritage project.
She said it was possible that the LPHG could become a joint signatory to the contract that HLF presently has with the PCC, thereby formalising LPHG’s role in helping to deliver the heritage part of the project. Further discussions would take place. The Rev. Rachel continued to chair the meeting until item 3.

Item 1 Apologies

Apologies were received from Heather Thomas-Smith, Moraig Hewitt, Phillipa Foulds, Shirley McCauley, Nick Thwaite, Frankie Wells and Peter Scott-Smith.

Item 2 Adoption of the draft constitution

Comments were invited on the draft constitution that had been prepared by the Steering Group set up at the July Heritage Project meeting. Details regarding the numbers required for the AGM/SGM to be quorate were debated and agreed. It was also agreed that there was a need for both full and associate membership. With these amendments, the constitution was agreed and adopted.

Item 3 Appointment of Chairperson

Keith McBride was proposed, seconded and confirmed as Chairperson by a show of hands. He then took the Chair.

Item 4 Appointment of Secretary

Gillian Jones was proposed, seconded and confirmed by a show of hands as Secretary.

Item 5  Appointment of Treasurer

Janet Benzie was proposed, seconded and confirmed by a show of hands as Treasurer

Item 6  Appointment of  6 Committee Members

The following people were proposed, seconded and confirmed by a show of hands as Committee Members:

Nita Dewar, James Finch, Philip Johnston,  Kath Lord,  John Sellers,  Rev Rachel Wilson.

Item 7  Appointment of Auditor

Lisa Milnor was proposed, seconded and confirmed by a show of hands as Auditor.

Item 8 Determination of membership fees

The Chair proposed that the membership fee for the year 2008/09 should be £1. It was hoped that a low fee would encourage people to join. The fee would be the same for full and associate members. Members would be entitled to receive a reduction of £1 off the cost of entry to talks organised by the Long Preston Heritage Group and would receive priority booking for social events.

It was agreed that the membership fee for 2008/09 would be £1 with the benefits detailed above.

Item 9 Date of first committee meeting

Tuesday 11 November 2008 in the Heritage Project office starting at 7.30pm.

Item 10 AOB

It was agreed that if any significant amendments were required to the Constitution arising from discussions with the Heritage Lottery Fund, a Special meeting would be called.